SEMIKRON赛米控是全球领先的功率模块和系统制造商之一, 产品主要应用于中等至大功率范围(约2kW-10MW)。SEMIKRON赛米控的产品是用于现代高效节能电机驱动和工业自动化系统的核心。其他应用领域包括电源、可再生能源(风能和太阳能)和多用途车辆。SEMIKRON赛米控的创新电力电子产品使其客户能够开发更小,更节能的电力电子系统。这些系统可以降低全球能源需求。
SEMIKRON赛米控是Friedrich Josef Martin博士 (1914-1974) 在1951创办的公司。Martin博士是后来任西德总理的Ludwig Erhard的学生。通过在巴西、法国、意大利和英国成立子公司,这位纽伦堡的企业家只用了短短几年时间,便牢牢掌握电力电子行业最重要的市场。如今,这个家族企业已由第三代掌门人管理,全球拥有超过3,000名员工。即使过去了60多年(也许正是因为如此漫长的历史),功率集成商SEMIKRON赛米控始终是全球电力电子行业的领先企业。
SEMIKRON赛米控是电力电子市场的终极合作伙伴。为了长期的互惠互利,SEMIKRON赛米控全心承诺在我们所做的每一件事情达到一流的水准。SEMIKRON赛米控是一家功率集成商,让客户可以灵活地为他们的功率应用选择合适的垂直附加值和接口。 SEMIKRON赛米控为战略市场开发和制造芯片、功率模块、智能功率解决方案、功率组件和功率系统。 SEMIKRON赛米控的业务具可持续性且有盈利地增长,SEMIKRON赛米控与的客户紧密合作,以了解他们的挑战,并提供解决方案和协助。
在模块和系统领域,SEMIKRON赛米控主导着国际电力电子市场。SEMIKRON赛米控将一直致力保持着技术领导者的地位。SEMIKRON赛米控主要生产中等功率输出范围(约2 kW至10 MW)中广泛应用的电力电子组件和系统。SEMIKRON赛米控是模块封装专家。SEMIKRON赛米控提供广泛的产品系列,从芯片、分离器件、二极管、晶闸管、IGBT功率模块一直到系统和功率组件。
SEMIKRON – a leading manufacturer of power electronics
Our power electronics are key technologies for energy conservation: they are used for open-loop and closed-loop control and to convert electric energy efficiently in the markets of the future, such as wind, solar, electromobility, drive technology and power supplies.
SEMIKRON was founded in 1951 by Dr Friedrich Josef Martin (1914-1974). In the space of just a few years, the entrepreneur from Nuremberg had secured important markets in the field of power electronics through founding subsidiary companies in countries including Brazil, France, Italy and England. Today, the family business is in its third generation and has a staff of more than 3,000 people world-wide. With a history more than 60 years of innovation, SEMIKRON has gone from strength to strength. Today SEMIKRON is a global leader in power electronics.
Innovation has been a key ingredient in our success. Many of SEMIKRON's innovations in the field of power electronics are now the industry standard. For example, with the SEMIPACK®, SEMIKRON invented the first power module with insulated design worldwide.
Today SEMIKRON has a staff of more than 3,000 people in 25 subsidiaries world-wide. This international network with production sites in Germany, Brazil, China, France, India, Italy, Korea, Slovakia and the US ensures fast and comprehensive service for customers.
Now in our third generation of private ownership, we are the only independent family business with an international outlook in the sector.
The various power electronics markets share common goals: the demand low power losses while at the same time getting increased performance from more compact products. To make sure these requirements, which our customers are also facing, can be met, our goal at SEMIKRON is to create an "Atmosphere of Innovation".
Being a self-financed family business, we believe in long-term thinking. Our great advantage is that we push the envelope in research - this makes us strong. One of the key prerequisites for smart solutions is the constant and personal contact with our customers, because the best developments are those that work in practice.
In the fields of modules & systems, SEMIKRON defines the international power electronics market. We have pursued, and will continue to pursue, our drive to be the technology leader. SEMIKRON produces power electronics components and systems primarily in the medium output range (approx. 2 kW up to 10 MW). We are packaging specialists. We offer a broad product portfolio, ranging from chips, discrete, diode, thyristor and IGBT power modules all the way to systems and stacks.
Our corporate philosophy also includes appreciation for every single employee and the drive to offer the people who work for SEMIKRON an interesting and long term work place.
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